E-Learning is a very powerful tool.  It can instantly be at the learner's finger tips anywhere in the world, and track and record their progress.  Best of all, it provides an opportunity to interact with lesson material thus encoding it into long term memory.

The modern day power of computers offer so much more than just a presentational tool.  Interactive Games give the learner the opportunity to USE information they’ve been given and challenge their performance.  Games are one of my favorite ways to provide motivation to learn.

Every medium has a purpose and every project has a particular need.  In this instance the instruction was combined with a marketing need.  I found green screening our actors with background animation fit our needs perfectly! 


For animation I use Flash and AfterEffects.  Though it's not interactive, animation can provide valuable explanations and illustration that video is not capable of.  Then combined with the availability of YouTube makes very powerful. 




Steven Tueller.com​